Coming Soon! Snapshot Pro Tungsten Ferrules New sizes for Snooker Cues- 9 mm, 9.5 mm, 10 mm, 10.50 mm June 15 2018, 0 Comments
I am pleased to announce that Snapshot Pro Tungsten Carbide Ferrules will soon be available for Snooker Cues. The new sizes will be as follows:
9.00 mm OD x 7.00 mm ID x 8.00 mm Long
9.50 mm OD x 7.50 mm ID x 8.00 mm Long
10.00 mm OD x 8.00 mm ID x 8.00 mm Long
10.50 mm OD x 8.50 mm ID x 8.00 mm Long
These new sizes will be available soon. They are being produced now and I will post when they are in stock.
Thanks, Terry
2017 Super Billiards Expo April 04 2017, 0 Comments
This year's Expo was highly successful. Many thanks go out to those who visited my booth and to those who purchased from me. This year I did repairs and installed many Navigator Japan tips. In my opinion they are best tips in the world and feedback from users confirm it. out my website. Terry
Thank you to Ryotaro Horiuchi from Navigator Japan for all your support.
Gearing up for Florida West Coast Challenge Tournament March 26 2016, 0 Comments
Gearing up for Florida West Coast Challenge Tournament in Tampa, Florida. Tournament is being held at the Doubletree Hotel Tampa Airport Westshore. Starts Thursday, April 7 and goes through Sunday April 10. I hope to see you there. Stop by my booth and say Hi!
Great Customer Feedback from Steven Keith March 26 2016, 0 Comments
Steven Keith added 5 new photos.
Playing with my new Snapshot Sneaky Pete. Ordered as per my specifications. 21 oz. with polished tapered shaft with a 12 1/4 millimeter tip. It is One nice stick. Thank You Terry Lee Oeffner, Owner and inventor of Snapshot® Cues. Another great piece of work on your part.
Introducing Snapshot® Tip Chafer-Premium Tip Maintenance Tool November 04 2015, 0 Comments introduces our newest product:
Snapshot® Cue Tip Chafer
Hi performance tip maintenance tool. This tool is manufactured with the finest quality components including a Stainless Steel Lifting Plate, 8 magnets and Hard White Birch Wood. There are no sandpaper inserts to wear out or replace and the Stainless Steel Lifting Plate will last a lifetime.
If you're going to improve your game you need the best equipment.
The Snapshot® Cue Tip Chafer will make your tip hold chalk better, last longer and helps to prevent the dreaded miss-cue. Held together with magnets, this tool does not take any leather off your tip, it simply raises tiny slivers of the leather which means it will really hold and retain your chalk. You will soon notice that with practice you won't have to chalk between every shot. Feel the Stainless Steel Lifting Plate surface and you will see that it feels like sandpaper, but it will not wear out like sandpaper. But don't scrape your tip with it!
So how does this strange looking gadget work?
Once you have shaped your tip with our 5 Way Tip Tool
(Available on our Accessories Page) simply cup the Tip Chafer in your hand and roll your tip back and forth on the Stainless Steel Lifting Plate surface. Apply slight pressure on the tool (see photos) and roll your tip until you cover the entire surface of your tip. You will notice your have lifted tiny slivers of your tip without removing the leather, thus making your tip hold and retain chalk much longer. AND since you didn't remove any leather your tip will last much longer. Chalk up and you're ready to play.
The Snapshot® Tip Chafer far out performs other tip tools, especially the tip pick and tip tapper. These tools poke holes in the leather tip, then you chalk, then you hit balls. This packs the chalk into the holes until it is so hard you start to miss-cue. You will miss-cue more with these than any other tool.
The Snapshot® Tip Chafer also out performs Kamui's Gator Grip. The Tip Chafer has a larger Stainless Steel surface area, is thinner and lighter than Kamui. And best of all the Snapshot® Tip Chafer costs $10.00 less than Kamui's Gator Grip.
Made of the finest White Birch Wood
Stainless Steel Metal Chafing Surface
Very Thin and Lightweight
Held Together with Magnets
Please visit our Accessories Page to order
2015 Ultimate Pool Shark Tournament July 12 2015, 1 Comment
Had a great time this last weekend at the Ultimate Pool Shark Tournament in Norcross, Ga. This tournament paid $3000 to the winner and was a chance for 8 players plus 4 backups to participate in the filming of the pilot for the reality show "The Ultimate Pool Shark". I was lucky enough to be one of the vendors and had an awesome time. Business was excellent and the response and feedback on my cues and ferrules was incredible. Met some great people and some future distributors. One of my buddys Tim Neary from my town Ocala, Fl. is in the final 8 and my good friend Asia Cy is one of the backups. Good Luck to you both!
Snapshot® Cues Are On Order! "Gorilla" Bob Heller To Put Them To The Test September 13 2014, 0 Comments
My friend "Gorilla" Bob Heller will put the new Snapshot® Cue sticks to the test. His breaks are killer and I want him to break and play with these cues. He is ready and anxious and assures me that he will not baby them. Cues are on order and prices will range from about $100-300 and that's including a Snapshot® Ferrule already installed. They will be very high quality and made to my specifications with hard Canadian maple shafts, and they will be available in several beautiful styles.
More info coming soon.
Terry Lee Oeffner
"Gorilla" Bob Heller
The Myth About Deflection December 29 2013, 0 Comments
I'm sure you have all heard of deflection and squirt. High end cue makers have used this strategy perfectly to market their low deflection shafts... and with great results. It wasn't long ago that no one even heard of deflection. So how did players cope? Here is a great article on deflection from Inside Pool Magazine:
Terry Lee Oeffner
Snapshot® Premium Metal Cue Ferrules December 04 2013, 1 Comment
I am launching this website in November 2013. I know there may be some problems from time to time with the site but I will try to fix any problem as soon as I can. If you have any questions or comments feel free to use the contact page.
This blog is here for you to share your views and comments regarding the site and especially your feedback regarding your new Snapsho® Ferrule.
We hope to be adding some new items in the near future such as proprietary adhesives and metal polishes.
Thank You